March 6, 2025
How to Overcome the Gap Between Generations (Part 2)The Question: Some of the young people in Generation Y, also known as Millennials, feel that they are power harassed or bullied as soon as they are told off, and become arrogant as soon as they are praised. Also, they sometimes don’t understand the boundaries between their public and private matters...
- Redefining Freedom & Equality
- Thinking That Attracts Wealth (Part 1): Attracting Limitless Wealth
June 24, 2021
‘Faith Immunity,’ the Greatest Weapon [Part 3 of 3]In addition to reports shared in “Happy Science Ritual Prayer Cures Covid-19, a Collection of Miraculous Reports,” there have been many reported cases of people recovering from Covid-19 infections through faith. One example is the recovery of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who was infe...
- How to Halt America’s Decline
- The Happiness Realization Party Founded by Teacher of Our Nation, Teacher of the World
March 2, 2025
Government Spending Shall Not Exceed 10% of GDP: ‘Incentive’ is Key to Prevent Big GovernmentInterview was conducted in February, 2025 The United States government has bloated and fattened up over the span of the last century. What will be the determining factor to succeed in achieving small government under the new administration? Interviewer: Hanako Cho Cho: Japan and the Un...
- The Real Cause of the EU Financial Crisis
- What Does the Pro-Austerity Party’s Victory in Greece Mean for the Euro?
May 31, 2019
A Japan-North Korea Summit, No Strings AttachedNorth Korean leader Kim Jong-un is just about at the end of his rope. His summit with Trump in February broke down, and his attempt to woo Putin into dropping sanctions during their April summit ended in failure. Sanctions are weighing heavily on North Korea as they suffer from famine and a s...
- A Remote Viewing of China’s Secret Missile Bases and A Base for Extraterrestrial Interchanges
- Why Does the U.S. Take a Tougher Stance Against Iran Than North Korea?
August 28, 2024
A “Wake-Up” Call to Overcome Emotional Trauma (part 2)The Question: I always advise “try harder” to people who say things like, “I’ve lost my mind”, “I’m carrying old wounds, and my heart is broken”, but it seems difficult for them to get over a broken heart. Any advice would be appreciated. Excerpt from the lecture ...
- Does God Love Gays and Lesbians?
- You Can Cure Cancer Yourself (part 1)
July 27, 2023
Deepening Your Humanity by Accumulating Experiences and Learning From History Can Be Useful for Management (Part 3 of 3)The Question: Could you give us some hints to convince a person who thinks he is always right and cannot accept the advice from the people around him that he is under negative spiritual influence? Excerpt from Q & A session during the lecture, “The Principles of Negative Spiritual Influence” giv...
- Was Dropping the Atomic bombs a Crime Against Humanity?
- What’s Behind President Park’s Pro-China Policy?
May 27, 2022
The Liberal Democratic Party Didn’t Do Anything for Nine Years(yu_photo / Sun Tzu once said, “If our forces are five to the enemy’s one, attack him.” This five to one force that marks the line of attack is about to be crossed by China with Japan. This difference was only two to one by the end of the Democratic Party of Japan’s administ...
- No More Lies from the Government!
- Exclusive Report: Prime Minister Noda’s True Colors
May 26, 2019
Trump Isn’t Looking For War: Why Trump Threatens Iran© Wikipedia Key points in this article: Trump wants to increase military pressure and commence talks with Iran Trump wants Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal and accept complete denuclearization Japan is in a potential mediator position between Iran and Israel The U.S.-Iran co...
- It’s Dangerous to Believe Dr. Stephen Hawking’s Latest Sound Bytes on Life After Death
- President Park Should Drop Her Anti-Japanese Diplomatic Policy Before Ruining Her Country
March 2, 2025
Government Spending Shall Not Exceed 10% of GDP: ‘Incentive’ is Key to Prevent Big GovernmentInterview was conducted in February, 2025 The United States government has bloated and fattened up over the span of the last century. What will be the determining factor to succeed in achieving small government under the new administration? Interviewer: Hanako Cho Cho: Japan and the Un...
- Two Spiritual Secrets of the Iron Lady
- The Interview with the Subconscious Mind of Newt Gingrich
August 28, 2024
A “Wake-Up” Call to Overcome Emotional Trauma (part 2)The Question: I always advise “try harder” to people who say things like, “I’ve lost my mind”, “I’m carrying old wounds, and my heart is broken”, but it seems difficult for them to get over a broken heart. Any advice would be appreciated. Excerpt from the lecture ...
- To what extent should abortions be allowed?
- Spiritual background to the problems in the Middle East (2)
November 22, 2023
‘Coronavirus Is a Biological Weapon, Intentionally Spread. I Helped Experiment Its Transmissibility’Even though the coronavirus pandemic continues to prolong, its origin is yet to be proven with modern science. However, new evidence has fallen in place that helps uncover its origins. Shan Chao, a researcher at WIV, China. Photo from the WIV official website. Journalist Jennife...
- iPS Cells Will Make Organ Transplants From Brain Dead Patients Redundant
- Medical Science and the Afterlife (Part 1)
February 8, 2025
A Much-Needed VP Pick: JD Vance Will End U.S. Decline and Lay Foundation For Prosperity Alongside TrumpWhy did President-elect Donald Trump choose JD Vance as his Vice President-elect? The Liberty spoke with Victor Davis Hanson, a prominent figure in the conservative circle. Interviewer: Hanako Cho Victor Davis Hanson Victor Davis Hanson is a senior fellow in military history at the Hoo...
- For the Freedom and Happiness of 1.3 Billion Chinese
- North Korea: The Beginning of the End