December 20, 2013 │
Mahatma GandhiQ&AReligionWorld
Due to the recent passing of Nelson Mandela and his spiritual message transmitted through Master Ryuho Okawa hours after his death (published in Liberty Magazine and accessible on the Happy Science We...
December 13, 2013 │
Master Okawa's PerspectivePoliticsQ&AReligionWorld
I can go on writing my books without necessarily mentioning spiritual messages. However, the reason why I keep publishing spiritual messages is ...
December 11, 2013 │
Master Okawa's PerspectiveQ&AReligion
What happens to those who do not believe in Spirit or the Spiritual Realm when they die? The Spiritual Messages Series currently stretches over 200 volumes. As the series expands, the more ...
December 7, 2013 │
Nelson MandelaPoliticsReligionWorld
South Africa’s icon for the anti-apartheid movement and the first black president died on Thursday, the 5th of December at age 95. His defiance of the white minority rule put him in prison for 27 year...
December 4, 2013 │
Other LanguagesPoliticsRussianWorld
Духовные Послания от Ангела хранителя президента Асада . Соглашение между США и Россией по ликвидации сирийского химического оружия до сих пор двусмысленно. Согласится ли режим Асада сдать все химичес...