August 16, 2012 │
Question: I don’t believe in spiritual messages. Answer: All of the world’s religions started from spiritual messages. Modern society is not familiar with spiritual messages, but if...
August 9, 2012 │
500 Protesters Demand the Deployment of the Osprey in Okinawa: A Typhoon Blocked the Anti-Osprey Rally on the Other Hand In the midst of flooding media coverage in opposition of the deployment of the ...
August 8, 2012 │
Master Okawa's PerspectiveWorld
Today, we are witnessing a revival of Confucian thought in China. in September 2011, the Confucius Festival was celebrated to honor the philosopher’s birthday. Picture taken in Qufu, Shandong, where t...
August 7, 2012 │
In a video broadcast internationally on 8th June, 2012, Reuters, the world’s largest international news agency, showed images from the trailer for the movie “The Final Judgment,” as well as an intervi...
August 3, 2012 │
The debate is happening on the teachings of Happy Science between the Christian clerics in the part of the world, as Happy Science is now becoming a global religion having followers and temples around...
August 1, 2012 │
This is a photo of an airport-like base in the middle of the Gobi in the Xinjiang-Uygur Autonomous Region. Markings, similar to the figure “8”, dot the area. Already aimed at Japan’s major cities! Peo...
July 28, 2012 │
Master Okawa's PerspectiveReligion
On the 25th of July, Happy Science commemorated the 56th birthday of Master Okawa and celebrated the Lord’s Descent at Saitama Arena in Japan. On this day, Master Okawa gave us a lecture titled, “The ...
July 26, 2012 │
The pro-austerity party declaring victory in Greek repeat election. Reuters/Aflo A boat with four crew members is adrift. If one is sacrificed, the other three will be spared. Can the murder of a man ...
July 26, 2012 │
EconomyMaster Okawa's PerspectiveReligion and Issues
Question: Q: I’d like to ask about the financial system of the EU. Now the market is worried about whether Greece will leave or not. Please let me know Master’s viewpoint about what kind of financial ...
June 30, 2012 │
Master Okawa's PerspectiveReligion
On his first visit to Africa, while underlining his basic teachings, the global spiritual leader preached on the power of hope to change the course of the future. Master Ryuho Okawa of Happy Science d...