April 8, 2014 │
Master Okawa's PerspectiveReligionWorld
Master Ryuho Okawa of the Happy Science Group has provided us with guidance from Guardian Spirits in his spiritual message series. These messages have been presented to followers of his lectures, arti...
April 3, 2014 │
Pre-modern Korean beliefs include: ●A lack of freedom of speech ●Anti-Japanese historical records entirely based on lies To pursue a path to modernization, Korea must: ●Accept various value systems ●L...
March 30, 2014 │
Kebenaran Atas Kehilangan Pesawat Penerbangan Malaysia MH370 Pendedahan Spiritual Oleh Edgar Cayce Dirakam pada 13hb Mac, 2014 Pesawat Penerbangan Malaysia MH370 (Boeing 777-200) yang berlepas dari Ku...
March 26, 2014 │
HealthMaster Okawa's PerspectiveReligion
Energy follows thought. In this article Master Ryuho Okawa teaches us why Western Medicine can never totally heal illness and its major shortcomings. He teaches us that humans have the ability to both...
March 14, 2014 │
Korea acts in a pre-modern way when it ●Ignores the rules of the international community To modernize, Korea should attempt to ●Understand the historical background of international law From th...