June 10, 2022
(Oleh Dubyna / Shutterstock.com) Zelensky is in the spotlight as a hero of Ukraine. He appears in a T-shirt to his speeches, and his propaganda, which cleverly leverages video clips and social ...
June 9, 2022
(Oleh Dubyna / Shutterstock.com) Now that three months have passed since Russia began its military operations on Ukraine, the world is heading in the worst direction possible. The public...
May 27, 2022
(yu_photo / Shutterstock.com) Sun Tzu once said, “If our forces are five to the enemy’s one, attack him.” This five to one force that marks the line of attack is about to be crossed by China wi...
May 26, 2022
In February, the spirit of King Midas from Greek mythology visited Master Okawa. The spirit said that vaccines won’t work, and Covid-19 will spread in China, on the premise that China spread th...
May 25, 2022
Phenomena that appear to be natural disasters… the disablement of weapons created by “space science” that transcend the ability of humankind, in each case, the divine force will show atheist Ch...
May 24, 2022
China is aiming to become a world ruler by threatening countries with a double attack of viruses and hypersonic missiles — but the God of Earth will never allow it. A spiritual reading revealed...
May 21, 2022
Happy Science CEO and founder Master Ryuho Okawa delivered a shocking prediction in a spiritual reading that will alter the course of Earth’s destiny. In the near future, “something” will happe...
May 12, 2022
What did Trump’s TCJA bring to America? The Liberty asked Dr. Laffer about Trump’s achievements in contrast with the Biden administration, as well as the catalyst for Japan’s reform. Cho...
April 29, 2022
The seemingly well-intentioned idea that the Covid-19 pandemic can be artificially controlled carries a danger of totalitarianism. Many people instinctively felt that the restrictive Cov...
April 28, 2022
We investigated the abnormal mechanisms of Covid-19 that further prove that Covid-19 is a biological weapon created by China. Covid-19 Contains a Similar Mechanism to HIV The nove...