August 2, 2019 │
Master Okawa's PerspectiveReligionspiritual messagesThe Perspective - Master Ryuho Okawa -
The Question: Please advise us on how to keep our minds under control when deepening our “soul training.” From “Discovering the Mind” Q&A Dec. 12, 2017 Happy Scienc...
July 17, 2019 │
BusinessEconomyQ&ASelf-helpThe Perspective - Master Ryuho Okawa -
Ryuho Okawa Founder and CEO of Happy Science. Born on July 7, 1956 (Showa 31) in Tokushima Prefecture, Japan. After graduating from law school at the University of Tokyo, he joined an internati...
July 16, 2019 │
The U.S. revised their long-time China policy, and now Japan cannot continue with their current diplomacy, says specialist, Kazuo Asano. Kazuo Asano Professor at Heisei International University...
July 13, 2019 │
Tensions increase as China aims to annex Taiwan. And the Taiwan problem will eventually decide Japan’s fate. In Kinmen County, the national flag of China waves in the wind and the Chinese...
July 3, 2019 │
Key points in this article: International independent tribunal ruled that China has been extracting organs from Falun Gong detainees China still continues to force-extract organs Japan must dis...