May 8, 2024 │
BusinessMaster Okawa's PerspectiveQ&A
Photo:PIXTA The Question: My company has 25, 26 employees, and each department has a person in charge, but there is no human resources department. I give directions and take full responsibility for th...
April 22, 2024 │
BusinessEconomyMaster Okawa's Perspective
Photo:PIXTA The Question: I’m planning on taking over my father’s construction business as a second-generation executive. I understand we’re living in tough times. How should I grow our business as a ...
April 18, 2024 │
BusinessHealthMaster Okawa's Perspective
Photo:PIXTA The Question: I’m a doctor. Health care workers are drained and exhausted under current Japanese policies, and we have a shortage of doctors. Please share your thoughts on the ideal form o...
April 16, 2024 │
HealthMaster Okawa's Perspective
The Question: I am a medical doctor. As I’ve seen in many patients, mistakes in their minds and unhealthy lifestyles are the main causes of their illnesses. I advise my patients according to the Truth...
April 4, 2024 │
Master Okawa's PerspectiveQ&AReligion
The Question: People outside of Japan grow up being taught that the growth of the “self” is good, and as such, when I tell them about the necessity of obedience and submissiveness with respect ...
April 3, 2024 │
Master Okawa's PerspectiveQ&AReligion
The Question: People outside of Japan grow up being taught that the growth of the “self” is good, and as such, when I tell them about the necessity of obedience and submissiveness with respect ...
April 2, 2024 │
Q&AReligionThe Perspective - Master Ryuho Okawa -
The Question: People outside of Japan grow up being taught that the growth of the “self” is good, and as such, when I tell them about the necessity of obedience and submissiveness with respect ...
March 21, 2024 │
Photo: Muhammad Aamir Sumsum / The Liberty interviewed a Chinese pro-democracy activist who has fled to Canada after the Tiananmen Square incident in June 1989 and has since be...