August 3, 2021
PradeepGaurs / Shutterstock.com The rapid spread of the new coronavirus infection and the intensifying border dispute with China have led India to adopt a hard-line stance toward China. A leadi...
August 3, 2021
Criticism of the human rights oppression in Uyghur is increasing especially in Western countries. I interviewed the founding member of the World Uyghur Congress. Inspector General of the World ...
July 31, 2021
plavevski / Shutterstock.com President Xi Jinping-led China has been expanding its military force ferociously. On the other hand, it carries huge debts, which, from a normal perspective, sugges...
July 20, 2021
“Do aliens and UFOs exist?” That is a debate of the past. This special edition article reveals the truth about space that is currently unknown to humanity, based on the latest spiri...
July 15, 2021
The Biden administration’s far-left policies have affected the American public’s opinion. According to Rasmussen Reports’ national telephone and online survey, only 36% of vot...
July 14, 2021
Naresh777 / Shutterstock.com Drop of Light / Shutterstock.com “Trickle-down economics has never worked.” The Biden administration declared that when the rich became richer, the bene...
July 13, 2021
On July 11, Happy Science CEO Master Ryuho Okawa gave a lecture entitled ‘Now, Here, Elohim is Thinking About.,” at Sohonzan Shoshinkan, a Happy Science facility located in Utsunomi...
July 9, 2021
Dr. Arthur B. Laffer helped flatten the tax system during the Reagan and Thatcher administrations through large-scale tax cuts. The Liberty spoke with Dr. Laffer on the meaning of a flat tax. I...
July 6, 2021
Xinjiang’s armed police were introduced, and Xinjiang-style concentration camps were built── Today’s Xinjiang is tomorrow’s Hong Kong, and the day after tomorrow’s Taiwan, and the next d...
July 3, 2021
BiksuTong / Shutterstock.com,ID1974 / Shutterstock.com The Liberty has repeatedly pointed out that it is a mistake to take hard-line measures against Russia, as it will push China and Russia cl...