December 26, 2011 │
For the Freedom and Happiness of 1.3 Billion Chinese –Religious freedom is the Bedrock of Freedom Itself In autumn 2012, at the 18th national congress of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping...
December 26, 2011 │
President ObamaWorld
On May 22, 2011 Happy Science’s Master Ryuho Okawa visited Hong Kong, holding a lecture before an audience of about 1,300 people. There was a question and answer session with the audience in the...
December 26, 2011 │
A Revolutionary Method of Journalism:”Interview with a Guardian Spirit” Usually, a journalist who wants to give insight into a politician’s mind has two ways to get information. One ...
December 26, 2011 │
The existence of a speed faster than that of light was foreseen The future of science is to be found in the world of faith The results of an experiment announced in September 2011 that subatomic parti...
December 26, 2011 │
In any human society, the maxim ‘Do not lie!’ is one of the most universal moral principles. The source of morality is religion. Looking at different world religions, in Buddhism “Thou shalt not lie” ...
December 21, 2011 │
Fukushima is not a dangerous zone any more Health problems do not happen to the residents there. Exclusive Report on Radiation dosage investigation After the earthquake disaster, Prime Minister Kan sa...