November 10, 2012 │
A Thorough Investigation Into the Nanking Massacre and the Comfort Women Issue Using ‘Time Travel Reading’ An extract of a report of a publicized spiritual message [see note 1] Did the com...
November 10, 2012 │
Xi Jinping Must Declare Political Reforms and Pioneer an Economic Liberalization! Political scientists predict that Xi will inevitably face challenges to China’s current policies. As China’...
November 1, 2012 │
Russia's President Putin shook hands with Chairman Hu Jintao at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Beijing Summit, which was made up of China, Russia, and four Central Asian nations (June 2012)...
October 30, 2012 │
Master Okawa's PerspectivePolitics
Master Ryuho Okawa, founder and president of Happy Science, gave a lecture titled “The American Mind” at the Happy Science General Headquarters on October 25, 2012. In this speech, he emphasized the i...
October 25, 2012 │
Little by little, China is beginning its move towards its ‘global empire’. Masaru Soma, a China expert capable of interpreting the power struggle in the Zhongnanhai, its political centre, provides an ...
October 19, 2012 │
EconomyMaster Okawa's Perspective
This Q and A session was given on Oct 11, 2012 at General Headquarters. The Question: My question is about fiscal policy. The IMF is beginning to recognize the necessity of expansionary fiscal policy....
October 18, 2012 │
Master Okawa's PerspectivePolitics
This Q and A session was delivered on Oct 9, 2012 at General Headquarters of Happy Science. Question: I’d like to ask a question on a political issue, regarding the United States of America. It seems ...
October 15, 2012 │
Master Okawa's PerspectiveReligion
From Master Ryuho Okawa’s Missionary Tour in Australia Delivered on Oct 14, 2012 at the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre Bayside Auditorium Master Ryuho Okawa, a world teacher in the h...
October 13, 2012 │
EconomyMaster Okawa's Perspective
Recently, anti-Japanese riots have flared up throughout China, and behind these demonstrations, we should note that a part of the cause lies in the widening gap between haves and have-nots. As the eco...
October 13, 2012 │
Master Okawa's PerspectivePolitics
On Oct 6, 2012, Ryuho Okawa, founder and president of Happy Science, gave a lecture titled Love and Justice, which corresponded with the date of his group’s latest film release, The Mystical Laws. In ...