October 15, 2012
From Master Ryuho Okawa’s Missionary Tour in Australia Delivered on Oct 14, 2012 at the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre Bayside Auditorium Master Ryuho Okawa, a world teacher in the h...
October 13, 2012
Recently, anti-Japanese riots have flared up throughout China, and behind these demonstrations, we should note that a part of the cause lies in the widening gap between haves and have-nots. As the eco...
October 13, 2012
On Oct 6, 2012, Ryuho Okawa, founder and president of Happy Science, gave a lecture titled Love and Justice, which corresponded with the date of his group’s latest film release, The Mystical Laws. In ...
October 11, 2012
Do Not Blame Other Countries, When the Political Outcome Is Bad: “Believing in Each Other” From: Master Ryuho Okawa’s missionary tour in South Korea. Master Okawa gave this lecture on June 15, 2008 at...
October 6, 2012
From 2007, Master Ryuho Okawa began his great missionary tour, energetically lecturing all over the world in both small and large venues, sharing his vision for a new era, encouraging people to take a...
September 30, 2012
Ryuho Okawa, founder and master of the Happy Science Group, delivered a lecture titled “The power of religion to defend a nation” at the Happy Science temple named Fukuoka Shoshinkan in Fu...
September 6, 2012
(Excerpts from the Q&A session conducted at Happy Science Headquarters May 18,2012) Question: The people of Iran and Israel have fiercely distrusted one another for two thousand years. Is reconci...
August 31, 2012
The Ugandan government-affiliated newspaper ran an online article, “Thousands of people gather for lecture by Happy Science founder.” Report on Master Ryuho Okawa’s lecture “In...
August 23, 2012
(Excerpts from the Q and A session conducted at Happy Science Headquarters on June 12, 2012) Question: The U.S. is struggling with a lot of issues including a financial crisis, a bond crisis, high une...
August 8, 2012
Today, we are witnessing a revival of Confucian thought in China. in September 2011, the Confucius Festival was celebrated to honor the philosopher’s birthday. Picture taken in Qufu, Shandong, where t...