May 8, 2014
The following is an extract of the lecture of Master Ryuho Okawa, December 7, 2008, entitled “Towards the Future of Dreams”. Towards the Future of Dreams The biggest problem still r...
April 8, 2014
Master Ryuho Okawa of the Happy Science Group has provided us with guidance from Guardian Spirits in his spiritual message series. These messages have been presented to followers of his lectures, arti...
March 26, 2014
Energy follows thought. In this article Master Ryuho Okawa teaches us why Western Medicine can never totally heal illness and its major shortcomings. He teaches us that humans have the ability to both...
February 26, 2014
Master Ryuho Okawa of the Happy Science Group has provided us with guidance from Guardian Spirits in his spiritual message series, which have been presented to followers of his lectures, articles, and...
February 19, 2014
Master Ryuho Okawa of the Happy Science Group has provided us with spiritual messages and guidance from those we know as Guardian Spirits in his spiritual message series presented to followers of his ...
February 12, 2014
It Is Freedom That Leads to a Happy Society “Master Ryuho Okawa: A Political Revolutionary” (Part 5) Freedom of Oportunity Was the Driving Force Behind My Success Master Ryuh...
January 29, 2014
Energy follows thought. In this article Master Ryuho Okawa teaches us why Western Medicine can never totally heal illness and its major shortcomings. He teaches us that humans have the ability to bo...
January 15, 2014
The UN Unfairly Favoring Toward WWII Victors, Is in Need of Reforms “Master Ryuho Okawa: A Political Revolutionary” (Part 4) Master Ryuho Okawa founded the Happiness Realizat...
December 13, 2013
I can go on writing my books without necessarily mentioning spiritual messages. However, the reason why I keep publishing spiritual messages is ...
December 11, 2013
What happens to those who do not believe in Spirit or the Spiritual Realm when they die? The Spiritual Messages Series currently stretches over 200 volumes. As the series expands, the more ...