October 21, 2020
Ms. Luther was imprisoned for resuming business in contravention of state orders. However, she was released due to the overwhelming support of public opinion and was asked to run for the State ...
October 21, 2020
Grover Norquist, the leader of the American taxpayer protection movement, shared his thoughts on dealing with governmental regulations under the COVID-19 crisis. Interviewer: Satoshi Nishihata ...
October 18, 2020
Dr. Laffer knew Ronald Reagan prior to his becoming governor of California. Dr. Laffer discussed his encounter with Reagan and Reagan’s path to becoming president. President Trump&...
October 14, 2020
(Alexander Khitrov / Shutterstock.com) North Korea stopped launching missiles in March this year (as of Sept. 16). Diplomatic negotiations became so quiet that rumors of Chairman Kim Jong-un su...
October 13, 2020
(Sergio Yoneda / Shutterstock.com) The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) leadership election over former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s position took place in mid-September and Mr. Yoshihide Su...
October 10, 2020
(Photo:Olya Gan / Shutterstock.com) U.S. President Donald Trump was recently discharged from hospital and returned to the White House after being infected with COVID-19. Soon after, Mr. Trump u...
October 8, 2020
Mirko Kuzmanovic / Shutterstock.com Dr. Chin Jin is a Chinese-born Australian living in NSW Australia since 1988. He has been active in the overseas Chinese democratic movement since early 1989...
October 7, 2020
About Grant F. Newsham: He was born in 1956 in Virginia, U.S.A. He graduated from Principia College and UCLA School of Law. He served as a U.S. Marine Corps officer, to include duty as the Mari...
October 3, 2020
In the city of London, Cheng speaks out on the Chinese government’s repression against Uyghur Muslims. About Simon Cheng: He was born in Hong Kong in 1990. Cheng began working for the Bri...
October 2, 2020
(Interviewer: Satoshi Nishihata) About Robert S. Spalding III: He has served in senior positions of strategy and diplomacy within the US Defense and State Departments for more than 26 ye...