July 6, 2021
Xinjiang’s armed police were introduced, and Xinjiang-style concentration camps were built── Today’s Xinjiang is tomorrow’s Hong Kong, and the day after tomorrow’s Taiwan, and the next d...
July 3, 2021
BiksuTong / Shutterstock.com,ID1974 / Shutterstock.com The Liberty has repeatedly pointed out that it is a mistake to take hard-line measures against Russia, as it will push China and Russia cl...
July 1, 2021
At first glance, the Biden administration seems to be continuing the Trump administration’s tough stance against China. That’s perception is far from reality. President Biden signed...
June 29, 2021
According to Mr. Elmer, the police force from Xinjiang withdrew by the end of 2019. In exchange, the iron cage called the “national security law” was dropped onto Hong Kong. Since no large-scal...
June 23, 2021
It seems like the Myanmar military coup erupted out of nowhere. What is actually happening at the scene of the action? Myanmar’s pro-democracy activist confesses a surprising truth that Japanes...
June 22, 2021
Around four and a half months have passed since the military coup took place in Myanmar. Many media outlets report the incident as a conflict between the Myanmar military and pro-democracy move...
June 2, 2021
How does a historian, renowned for his keen eye, view the internal politics of President Biden? Historian Victor Davis Hanson (profile) A senior fellow in military history at the Hoover ...
May 26, 2021
Richard Juilliart / Shutterstock.com In hopes of uncovering the origin of the coronavirus, the World Health Organization (WHO) led an international investigation to Wuhan, which produced a repo...
May 25, 2021
“A Bayesian analysis concludes beyond a reasonable doubt that SARS-CoV-2 is not a natural zoonosis but instead is laboratory derived.” The above claim comes from a research paper wr...
May 21, 2021
We spoke with a retired captain of the U.S. Navy about his outlook on the Biden administration’s Asia policy. Retired Captain of the U.S. Navy Captain James E. Fanell Fanell graduated fr...