September 25, 2014
December 13, 1937, the Japanese army captured the capital of the Kuomintang government, Nanjing. The international community did not make the Nanjing battle a problem at the time. However, after losin...
September 23, 2014
After the war, Japan domestically was said to be “an evil nation”. The biggest reasons for this must be the supposed issues of the “Nanjing Massacre” and the “comfort wom...
September 18, 2014
Time for Japan and Germany to move beyond recrimination and apology to take their rightful place as peaceful leaders in the Community of Nations Even today, Japan and Germany, having lost the war seve...
September 3, 2014
What are spiritual messages? “Spiritual messages” is a phenomenon wherein the words belonging to spirits from the spiritual realm are channeled down. The ability for this belongs to...
August 29, 2014
Mr. Stokes’s Book Falsehoods of the Allied Nations’ Victorious Views of History, as Seen by a British Journalist (in Japanese) became a best seller. Its English version is currently being edited. Prof...
August 13, 2014
Iris Chang “The Rape of Nanjing” and the spiritual message, “Swear to Heaven, Did the “Nanjing Massacre” Really Happen?” A part of the American-Chinese “consp...
August 2, 2014
What are spiritual messages? “Spiritual messages” is a phenomenon wherein the words belonging to spirits from the spiritual realm are channeled down. The ability for this belongs to...
August 1, 2014
What are spiritual messages? “Spiritual messages” is a phenomenon wherein the words belonging to spirits from the spiritual realm are channeled down. The ability for this belongs to...
July 31, 2014
What are spiritual messages? “Spiritual messages” is a phenomenon wherein the words belonging to spirits from the spiritual realm are channeled down. The ability for this belongs to...
July 22, 2014
“The Okawa Statement – My Proposal” (A Statement for Prime Minister Abe’s Reference) August 15th, 2013 Our country once presented the Kono (1993) and Murayama (1995) Statement...