March 22, 2020
Main points of the article: Faith in God to rid fear “No problem is too big for God to handle” How to practice faith to take away fear and strengthen immunity Amid the corona...
March 20, 2020
President Putin Declares Constitution Amendment in his January 15th Annual State of the Nation Address(photo: Reuters/Aflo) News Change in Constitution Announced Russia’s President...
March 12, 2020
The Government Announces that “Economy as a Whole is on a Gradual Recovery Trend” but…(photo: Reuters/Aflo) News Negative Growth for the First Time in Five Quarters JapanR...
March 7, 2020
Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen observes speech on the possibility of fighting China’s military. (photo:AP/Aflo) The coronavirus was a miscalculation for Mr. Xi’s original pla...
March 5, 2020
With much unverifiable news on the new pneumonia-like syndrome, people don’t know what to believe in. The Liberty will dive into the truth behind the coronavirus. Infection Timelin...
February 20, 2020
“We Fell Into a Trap”: China’s Former Premier Zhou Enlai Who Served Mao Makes Coronavirus Confession
Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai (second from the right) who served Chairman Mao Zedong (second from the left). As China’s newly discovered coronavirus spreads, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is th...
February 16, 2020
A newly discovered coronavirus is continuing to spread. According to Chinese authorities, over 40,000 people were infected and 908 people died. The number of funerals are four to five times hig...
February 16, 2020
Le coronavirus découvert récemment continue de se propager. Selon les autorités chinoises, plus de 80 000 personnes en ont été infectées et 2 986 personnes en sont mortes (au 08/03/2020). Le no...
February 15, 2020
News Rising Tensions After Assassination of General Tensions between the U.S. and Iran intensified after Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Maj. Gen. Soleimani was ass...
February 14, 2020
President Tsai Ing-Wen, who confirmed reelection.(photo:AFP/Aflo) News Tsai Ing-Wen Reelected as President “We are an independent country already and we call ourselves the Republic...