May 8, 2020
The reality of China, which is poised to wage war on biological weapons, has come to light. R.A. Goal, a space-based creature, revealed China’s ambition for world domination through biolo...
May 8, 2020
La réalité d’une Chine, prête à faire la guerre avec des armes biologiques, est apparue à R.A. Goal, une créature spatiale, qui a révélé l’ambition de la Chine de dominer le monde p...
May 7, 2020
Interview Japan Must Revisit Export Control We spoke to a former senior self-defense force officer and a chemical weapons expert, who dealt with the subway sarin attack among othe...
May 6, 2020
World economy is stagnating from the expansion of COVID-19. We ask a U.S. think tank’s economics expert about Japan’s consumption tax increase and U.S.’s economic policies. Ad...
May 2, 2020
There’s a possibility that the coronavirus was being studied by the Chinese military before the outbreak. We spoke with an expert regarding what a global investigation around biological w...
May 1, 2020
Interview We asked a U.S. expert, specialized in poison and biochemistry, about the origin and motive behind the coronavirus. His books include “Overall View of Chemical and Biolog...
April 29, 2020
We interviewed an expert, a long-time researcher on China’s biological and chemical weapons, regarding possibilities ofthose weapons being utilized. Monika Chansoria, Senior Fellow at The...
April 23, 2020
Key points: Are North Korea and China developing biological weapons by taking advantage of their military and commercial dual-use technologies? Low-cost, yet extremely lethal biological weapons...
April 8, 2020
(photo: Reuters/Aflo) The U.S.-China Trade War is fading from the hot topics with the coronavirus and the upcoming presidential election in November. However, when observed more closely, the trade war...
April 2, 2020
Master Okawa, the founder and CEO of the Happy Science Group, held a lecture entitled “Choosing Light” on the 14th in Sendai Shoshinkan, a Happy Science facility located in Sendai i...