What Is Happening in the Middle East?
- Spiritual Messages From Muhammad – (Part 2)

In addition to publishing over 1,500 books worldwide, Master Okawa shares knowledge through spiritual messages that provide unique insights and valuable lessons. Master Okawa provides us with guidance from Guardian Spirits in his spiritual message series. These messages have been presented to followers of his lectures, articles, and books. Today as part of his new volume, “What is Happening in the Middle East,” he brings us the spirit of Muhammad, the Founder of Islam, to ascertain whether He can bring a new vision of what started as “The Arab Spring”. In the following Spiritual Messages, the Spirit of Muhammad candidly presents His views on what has developed in Islamic countries since the wave of demonstrations, riots, protests and civil wars commenced in December 2010. Below is an excerpt of the Spiritual Messages from Prophet Muhammad.


Muhammad’s Thoughts on Osama bin Laden

— Have you talked to Osama bin Laden since he entered the spirit world? I would love to hear how you feel about his terrorist attacks on the U.S., and about his person in general.

Muhammad: From his supporters’ point of view, while it cannot be denied that in a way, they saw him as a hero, his reformist efforts did not exactly open up a new future for them.

Muhammad: It is hard for me to tell you where Osama bin Laden is now. To be honest, it seems like he is still lost. I don’t think he swiftly ascended to Heaven as a hero. A lot of people hold a grudge against him, and I believe he is still wandering about.


Osama bin Laden – A Conservative, Not a Reformer

Muhammad: Opinions were divided about Osama bin Laden even among his supporters. Extremists agreed with what he did, while people in the Middle East actively involved in trade with Western countries and Japan got a taste of these countries’ wealth, and did not support his acts of terrorism.

It is sad, but to put it clearly, while some saw him as a reformer, really, bin Laden was a conservative who tried to continue an Islamic heritage over a thousand years old. But the U.S. – the modern equivalent of the Quraysh clan in Mecca – was too strong, and when he picked a fight with them, he obviously lost. He was unable to grasp the enormous difference between his own country’s level of civilization and theirs.


Why Muslims Don’t Reject War

Muhammad: All Muslims know how Islam was founded. I, Muhammad fled to Medina because Mecca’s superior military was on my heels. There, I gathered my own troops and finally managed to defeat Mecca’s forces and conquer the city. This is how Islam was founded. All Muslims know how their religion started.

Also, back then, God had handed down this message to our people: “I will protect all who accept Muhammad as the messenger of My Word.” So Muslims felt like when there was a war, God was on their side. Furthermore, they followed the principle that the old polytheistic beliefs of Mecca, and any form of pantheism suggesting that everything was inhabited by divine presence, had to be wiped out.

As all Muslims learn about the history of their founding father and the origins of their religion, they are usually not inclined to reject war as such.


At one Time, It Seemed Possible That Christianity Would Perish and Islam Would Prevail

Muhammad: Compare this with Christianity: while Jesus was alive, the Jews and the Roman military ran Christianity into the ground, and Jesus was killed on the cross. I, Muhammad, on the other hand, won my war. This led to the belief that the new faith of Islam was superior to Christianity.

During the middle ages, we fought the crusaders. The war between Christianity and Islam continued for nearly 1000 years.

In the meantime, conflicts broke out within Christianity, dividing Christians into Protestants and Catholics. In the Middle Ages Christianity went through a crisis.

Islam on the other hand was flourishing back then, so it seemed like Christianity was on its way out while Islam was becoming more prominent, but the Christians were not stupid. They divided into an old school (Catholicism) and a new school (Protestantism), which both began to develop independently.

In the end, while the world was waiting to see which religion would absorb which, it turned out that both had their strong sides, and both prevailed.

As a religion, I feel it would have been fine for Christianity to disappear, but it survived because there were powers at play that supported civilization in an unbroken line. For Christianity to survive, I believe it was an important factor that the ancient gods of Greece and Rome reappeared inside Christianity and helped it prevail.

On our side, the gods of the Middle East reappeared.

Both religions exerted a great magnetism, so they survived until the present day, and achieved great things as world religions.


Views on Iran’s Nuclear Development

— Iran’s government is extremely strict and exerting pressure on its citizens. Iran’s nuclear development efforts are advancing, and Israel is getting more apprehensive. You say the current democratization and liberalization movement is occurring under Elohim’s guidance, but what shall we make of Iran? What path should Iran take from now on? Can you tell us your opinion concerning these issues?

Muhammad: In terms of religion, both Iran and Iraq are historically significant countries. They pride themselves with their history, just like China. Several religions originated in Iraq, and many world religions were born in Iran. These countries have a long cultural and religious history, so obviously they have powerful religious magnetic fields and want to preserve and protect them.

On the other hand, Israel has an equally huge religious magnetic field because they have Jerusalem, the Holy City. This region is something like a divine crossroads. There are too many gods in one place, which leads to frequent collision accidents.

This is why it is difficult there for religions to coexist, and why they all try to eradicate each other completely in order to establish peace – which is not only a problematic approach but also nearly impossible to achieve.

Israel is a Jewish state. On the other hand, half the country has been Christianized, and there is a strong American influence there, so in the end, it creates a conflict between the U.S. and Islam again.

Americans do not have any integrity. They keep changing their mind and always follow popular opinion.

Nobody can understand God’s complicated plans completely, but as Japan has close relations with the U.S., I think Iran would like to see Japan, a representative of the Asian race, act as a mediator between Iran and the United States.

Obviously it is a biased approach to allow Israel to go nuclear while denying this right to all Arab countries. If Israel was such an innocent and righteous country, this might be fine, but rebuilding a nation after it has ceased to exist for 1900 years is not what I would call righteous.

The Israelis acted like thieves. What the Arabs are asking their god is: “How can you consider it fair to give nuclear weapons to a thief?”

They are wondering whether the god Muhammad believes it can defeat the god of the Christians. They are waiting for a historical event of this order.

Not only in the Middle East, but everywhere in the world people are wondering what God’s plan is.

However, I think many people have strong doubts about whether Israel is really a righteous country, and whether it is really the country that is fulfilling God’s plan.

If Iran, rather than Iraq, became the country to lead all other Arab countries as a buffer against Israel, I think other Islamic countries would support Iran to a certain degree.

What Is Happening in the Middle East?
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