October 25, 2014
The Question: Master has taught that progress is associated with “will power.” Could you tell us what kind of spiritual discipline we should undertake to develop our will power on a daily ...
September 16, 2014
Ryuho Okawa is the founder and CEO of Happy Science. He was born on July 7, 1956. After graduating from University of Tokyo in the faculty of law, he joined a Tokyo-based trading house. While working ...
July 26, 2014
On the topic of work and life, there may be many people who are running up against what look like “obstacles”, and are suffering from a sense of failure. Master Okawa, entitling it “...
July 24, 2014
Happy Science is a religion that values freedom and tolerance. In Master Ryuho Okawa’s teachings, the freedom to choose one’s own path to improve oneself and choose a better life towards G...
June 27, 2014
HS Missionaries beyond Borders While Happy Science has deep roots in Japanese society, its influence has rapidly expanded to the rest of the world. Master Okawa re-launched his world missionary tour w...
June 25, 2014
Master’s National Tour Inspired a Missionary Movement Since the early 1990s, Master Okawa has mainly preached his Dharma based on Buddhist concepts in order to solidify Happy Science’s tea...
June 24, 2014
The Financial Times featured a Japanese spiritual leader in an interview titled “Japan Bows To a New God” in 1991. He was Master Ryuho Okawa, the founder and spiritual leader of Happy Scie...
May 28, 2014
Controversy arose when Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced that through changing the interpretation of the Constitution, consideration for authorizing the right to collective self-defense would be exa...
May 20, 2014
Energy follows thought. In this article Master Ryuho Okawa teaches us why Western Medicine can never totally heal illness and its major shortcomings. He teaches us that humans have the ability to both...
May 10, 2014
If you suddenly passed away from a heart attack, what might you experience at that moment? Do you ever wonder what your family members may experience at the moment of death? Some may believe that once...