February 16, 2020
A newly discovered coronavirus is continuing to spread. According to Chinese authorities, over 40,000 people were infected and 908 people died. The number of funerals are four to five times hig...
February 16, 2020
Le coronavirus découvert récemment continue de se propager. Selon les autorités chinoises, plus de 80 000 personnes en ont été infectées et 2 986 personnes en sont mortes (au 08/03/2020). Le no...
May 8, 2019
The Question: I’m a physician who owns a private practice, and I want to create a special medical area in large cities like Osaka and Kobe. In it, I want to introduce the latest medical t...
March 2, 2018
Les greffes d’organes prennent aujourd’hui une tournure inquiétante en Chine. En Chine, ce meurtre de masse intervient sous le vocable de «Transplantation d’organes». J’interroge ici troi...
March 2, 2018
In China, mass murder has been taking place under the name of “Organ Transplantation”. Here, I interview three individuals who have been researching this issue for over 10 years. La...
February 21, 2018
Key points in this article: Shootings in Florida, USA leaves 17 dead Shooter said he wanted to “become a professional school shooter” Devilish spiritual influences are often behind ...
December 26, 2017
The Question: I am wanting to create a network for people receiving welfare support through systems such as E-Learning, to help them become independent. How will we be able to create new added ...
December 14, 2017
A Chinese-Italian research group announced in November that they conducted a head transplant with two human cadavers, arousing controversy. Italian neurosurgeon Sergio Canavero collaborated wit...
October 17, 2017
Organ transplants from brain dead patients are not uncommon in Japan. This article will look into the medical practices in the U.S. and Japan regarding organ transplants and investigate the eth...
October 14, 2017
Organ transplants from brain dead patients are not uncommon in Japan. This article will look into the medical practices in the U.S. and Japan regarding organ transplants and investigate the eth...