The Happiness Realization Party (HRP) Released “Taiwan Relations Act (HRP draft)” at the Legislative Yuan in Taiwan, Declaring “Japan and Taiwan Are the Partners That Share and Protect the Values of ‘Freedom, Democracy and Faith.’

“Press Conference on Japan-Taiwan Relationship”, held at Legislative Yuan in Taipei. From left, Mr. Hsing-Huan Wang (chief of “Taiwan State-building Party”), Mr. Richard Chen (chief of “World United Formosans for Independence”), Dr. Li-Fu Chen (Vice President of “Taiwan Association of University Professors”), Mr. Masatoshi Enatsu (Secretary-General of HRP), Ms. Chou Ni-An (chief of “Taiwan Solidarity Union”). On the blue-colored poster of HRP, it’s written in traditional Chinese, “Japan will never abandon Taiwan. Now is the time to establish a Japan-Taiwan alliance.”


On September 6, Masatoshi Enatsu, Secretary-General of the Happiness Realization Party (HRP), joined the “Press Conference on Japan-Taiwan Friendship”, organized by the Taiwan Association of University Professors, held at the Legislative Yuan in Taipei, Taiwan, as a main guest. He released the “Taiwan Relations Act (HRP draft)”, which deepens the tie between Japan and Taiwan, and blocks the threat of the communist-dictatorship, China.

In the conference, Enatsu said, “It was a wrongful act, from the spirit of ‘Bushido’, for Japan to one-sidedly sever its diplomatic relations with Taiwan. We, Japan, should take a step forward to strengthen our relations with Taiwan and establish a mutual alliance.” “The current relationship between Japan and Taiwan is vulnerable. It is based on an exchange between the people of the two nations, not on law. Therefore, we have drafted a Taiwan Relations Act.”


“The Japanese Government Acknowledges That the Taiwan Emergency Is the Situation Posing Threats to the Survival of Japan.”

In the draft, Article 1 states, “This Act aims to deepen the interaction between Japan and Taiwan in all fields, in order to protect peace and realize prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.” Then, Article 2 says, “It shall be confirmed by this Act that Japan and Taiwan share the value of “Freedom, Democracy and Faith” and both Parties are partners to protect this universal value in the Indo-Pacific region to the end.”

Regarding the strengthening of security cooperation, Article 6 states,

  • 1 The Japanese government acknowledges that the Taiwan emergency is the situation posing threats to the survival of Japan (the situation stipulated in the Act on the Peace and Independence of Japan and Maintenance of the Nation and the People’s Security in Armed Attack Situations etc., Law No. 79 of 2003).
  • 2 The Japanese government shall work on the defense of the Taiwan Strait and its surrounding sea areas based on the understanding that Taiwan is included in the “Far East,” as stipulated in The Security Treaty between Japan and the United States of America.
  • 3 The Japanese government shall ensure that the governmental agencies, including the Self Defense Force, can provide information and exchange personnel when it recognizes that it is necessary to enhance its system of security cooperation with Taiwan and realize peace and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific region.

Dr. Li-Fu Chen, the Vice President of the “Taiwan Association of University Professors”, the organizer of the conference, Mr. Hsing-Huan Wang, chief of “Taiwan State-building Party”, Ms. Chou Ni-An, chief of “Taiwan Solidarity Union”, and Mr. Richard Chen, chief of “World United Formosans for Independence”, all expressed their expectation for HRP.


Enatsu presented the “Taiwan Relations Act (HRP draft)” in traditional Chinese and expressed his determination to defend Taiwan.


“Encircle China by the Faithful Nations”, Such as Japan, Taiwan, India, and Australia

In the conference, Enatsu also pointed out the importance of “encircling China by the nations that have faith”, such as Japan, Taiwan, the US, European nations, India and Australia. He said, “The confrontational structure between ‘democracy and dictatorship’, which has been advocated by President Biden, connects Russia with China and North Korea, and creates a composition of a world war. In order to separate Russia and China, it is important to establish a composition of ‘atheist nations vs. faithful nations’, and drag Russia, with its faith in the Russian Orthodox religion, into the western side.”

“As a religious political party, HRP will present its original diplomatic policy, which will stop the occurrence of any potential Taiwanese emergency and WWIII”, Enatsu said.


Secretary-General Enatsu (center), talking about the importance of “China encirclement” by faithful nations.


“Japan and Taiwan Are in One Boat” “Japan Will Never Abandon Taiwan. Now Is the Time to Form a Japan-Taiwan Alliance.”

From the viewpoint of “Japan and Taiwan are in one boat”, HRP has so far been advocating the policies that deepen the tie between Japan and Taiwan. In Japan, HRP has been putting up posters, which state, “Japan will never abandon Taiwan. Now is the time to form a Japan-Taiwan alliance” all around Japan.

However, the current vulnerable Japan-Taiwan relationship – which is relying upon exchanges between the people of the two nations, not law – has various problems in such areas as economy and national defense. In the conference, Enatsu drew a clear line with existing Japanese political parties, including the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), who are unable to respond resolutely even when Japan’s airspace is violated by China. Enatsu insisted on the importance of sublimating the Japan-Taiwan relationship to the one, which is based on legal basis, by establishing a domestic law in Japan. Enatsu showed the seriousness of HRP, which demonstrates its policy of defending Taiwan.

For many years, HRP has been advocating the importance of strengthening the Japan-Taiwan relationship. In December 2021, HRP established the “Happiness Realization Party Japan-Taiwan Local Assembly Members Group” (Chairperson: Kazumi Furukawa, a city council member of Koga, Ibaraki Prefecture). Its members have repeatedly visited Taiwan, and has been deepening its engagement with Taiwan’s politicians and experts.


The Vision of the “Taiwanization of China”, Presented by Ryuho Okawa, the President of HRP

On March 3, 2019, Ryuho Okawa, the President of HRP, gave a public lecture titled, “Love Surpasses Hatred” in Taipei.

In the lecture, President Okawa presented the vision, stating, “What I ask you to do is spread throughout the People’s Republic of China (PRC) the Taiwanese prosperity and development, your principles of democracy, freedom, and capitalism, and your spirit of cherishing religious faith, for this will bring happiness to many people there.” He presented the vision to save 1.4 billion people, who are suffering from human rights violations and tyranny under the Chinese Communist Party by (CCP) the Taiwanization of China.

HRP is determined to contribute to bridging Japan and Taiwan and preventing the occurrence of WWIII in the Indo-Pacific region, freeing the people of China from the dictatorship of CCP, and bringing peace and prosperity to the world by strengthening the tie between Japan and Taiwan.

(Ryota Shirotori: HRP Public Relations Headquarters)
The Happiness Realization Party (HRP) Released “Taiwan Relations Act (HRP draft)” at the Legislative Yuan in Taiwan, Declaring “Japan and Taiwan Are the Partners That Share and Protect the Values of ‘Freedom, Democracy and Faith.’
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