June 7, 2014
Hideki Tojo shaking hands with various representatives from each nation at the Greater East Asia Conference Nazi Germany was said to have massacred 6 million Jews. At the time, however, many Western n...
June 6, 2014
About Henry Scott Stokes Henry Scott Stokes Henry Scott Stokes was born in 1938, in UK. After earning master’s degree at Oxford University in 1961, he joined the Financial Times in 1962. He beca...
June 6, 2014
An Old Moral Judgment: Wartime Japan Was an “Evil Nation”. A Statement of Fact: The Japanese Were Trying to Realize the Ideal of Racial Equality. Recently, China has been criticizing Japan...
June 4, 2014
A Vietnamese shipping boat sank after a Chinese fishing vessel crashed into it in the South China Sea. The sinking occurred in the waters around the Paracel Islands off Vietnam. 40 Chinese vessels enc...
May 30, 2014
“Their purpose, therefore, in going to war was largely dictated by security.” This is what Douglas MacAurthur said at a hearing of the US Senate Armed Services and Foreign Relations Commit...
May 28, 2014
Controversy arose when Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced that through changing the interpretation of the Constitution, consideration for authorizing the right to collective self-defense would be exa...
May 27, 2014
An Old Moral Judgment: Japan was the “Aggressor” A Statement of Fact: Japan Fought for “Self-defense” and “Liberation from Colonialism” Many Japanese were fa...
May 23, 2014
David Williams One of Europe’s leading thinkers on modern Japan. Born in Los Angeles, he was educated in Japan and at UCLA, and has contributed for many years to the opinion section of the Los A...
May 22, 2014
An Old Moral Judgment: Wartime Japan Was an “Evil Nation” A Statement of Fact: The Japanese Were Trying to Realize the Ideal of Racial Equality Japan is often blamed for hist...
May 2, 2014
China is spreading propaganda campaigns against Japan throughout the world to paint the Japanese as the “Nazis of today.” Their propaganda activities have intensified since Japanese Prime ...