July 18, 2014
Koreans call the time of Japan’s rule over Korea, “Japanese Imperialism, 36 Years” and emphasize how Koreans were oppressed. However, the truth is different. Hard-earned tax money eq...
July 16, 2014
Scene of Nanking refugees cheering as the Japanese Army hand out sweets and tabacco. The white armband the Chinese has on the left arm shows that he does not belong to the Nationalist Party Army (guer...
July 11, 2014
The issue of “comfort women” was disseminated without evidence, owing to left-wing media and scholars, as well as propaganda from other nations. The Timeline for the Issue of the ...
July 4, 2014
China has applied to register materials concerning the “Nanking massacre” and “comfort women”, both of which are said to have been perpetrated by the Japanese army, at the UNES...
July 3, 2014
Recently Korean groups have actively started to get America on their side by establishing comfort women statues in a couple of cities in the U.S. On January 2013, the New York State Senate adopted the...
June 27, 2014
HS Missionaries beyond Borders While Happy Science has deep roots in Japanese society, its influence has rapidly expanded to the rest of the world. Master Okawa re-launched his world missionary tour w...
June 25, 2014
Master’s National Tour Inspired a Missionary Movement Since the early 1990s, Master Okawa has mainly preached his Dharma based on Buddhist concepts in order to solidify Happy Science’s tea...
June 24, 2014
The Financial Times featured a Japanese spiritual leader in an interview titled “Japan Bows To a New God” in 1991. He was Master Ryuho Okawa, the founder and spiritual leader of Happy Scie...
June 20, 2014
Texas Daddy (real name – Tony Marano) Tony Marano, a.k.a. “Texas Daddy” among Internet users, was born in Connecticut, U.S.A., in 1949. He majored in history at City University of Ne...
June 13, 2014
As Russia’s President Putin militarily intervened in the Crimea Peninsula and is now trying to annex it, a comparison of him to Hitler of the Nazis has been made, especially in the West. Japan...