November 4, 2014
Should the Americans Really Have Been Free of “Guilt” in WW2? Americans, who sat in judgment of the Japanese and Germans, as members of a victorious nation in WW2, regarded themselves as &...
October 30, 2014
How do Germans’ sentiments appear to the Japanese? We talked to Emi Kawaguchi-Mahn, an author living in Stuttgart, Germany with her German husband and daughters. Emi Kawaguchi-Mahn Born in Osaka...
October 28, 2014
Historian/Philosopher Professor Ernst Nolte Born 1923 in Witten, Germany. Studied under Martin Heidegger at the University of Marburg. PhD in Philosophy in 1952. Emeritus Professor at the Free Univers...
October 22, 2014
Besides China and Korea, the left wing media in Japan often say that “Japan should apologize like Germany”, but how exactly has Japan already apologized? Japan Japan’s purpose...
October 18, 2014
What was the difference between Japanese and German actions during World War II? Ben-Ami Shillony is a Jewish Professor who escaped the Nazi’s Holocaust, and has written a number of Nihonjinron ...
October 15, 2014
Japan is often seen in the same light as Germany, as the “axis of evil”, when it comes to World War II. What do Germans themselves think of this? We asked Satoshi Tanaka who is knowledgeab...
October 11, 2014
Germany and Japan get compared often, but what did the two nations do, and what crimes were they found to be “guilty” of? Let us look at the Nuremberg Trial and the Tokyo Trial that judged...
October 8, 2014
Japan and Germany, as nations that lost in WWII, still are asked to express regret and apologize. While there will always be regret with war, the fact that the third and fourth largest economic powers...
October 3, 2014
Mr. Xi Jinping Is a Japan Basher General Hideki Tojo, when the Tokyo Trial judges called him to appear before the court China’s President Xi Jinping made an unsubstantiated, slanderous co...
October 1, 2014
The “Nanking Massacre” was fiction, which the Americans and Chinese created after the end of WW2, to judge Japan. However, in 1997, due to “The Rape of Nanking”, which Chinese ...