August 9, 2016
From Welfare State to Future Investment State The Liberal Democratic, Democratic Progressive, Komeito and Communist parties all proposed the same policy in their campaigns for the previous Hous...
July 1, 2016
You see adults on the train playing games on their smartphones, and one question naturally comes to mind: “Is our future going to be okay?” Your concern is not ‘whether or not we should t...
June 29, 2016
The momentous referendum result announcing Britain’s withdrawal from the EU has made an impact worldwide. Since the 25th, the media has been overflowing with reports and analyses of the i...
June 29, 2016
Britain voted to withdraw from the EU. Without a doubt this will be a moment that will go captured in history. A referendum was held on the 23rd to decide whether or not Britain should remain i...
June 25, 2016
It is the year 2050. Having achieved an economic growth rate of 4.5% Japan now has a GDP of ¥1.5 quadrillion; they have become a world leader in the robot and medical technology and business; t...
June 18, 2016
junrong / The Japan Iron and Steel Foundation, the industry organization of iron and steel makers, recently announced that Mr. Kosei Shindo, President of Nippon Steel & Su...
June 14, 2016
The presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Mr. Donald Trump, expressed his support for raising the minimum wage. On NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Mr. Trump told the reporter, ...
June 8, 2016
Master Ryuho Okawa, founder of Happy Science, gave a public lecture at Sendai Sunplaza Hall entitled “The Mechanism of Salvation” on the May 24th. Around 2,000 people gathered at the main...
May 28, 2016
Clyde Prestowitz was a negotiator with Tokyo while serving as Counselor to the Secretary of Commerce in the Reagan Administration. He was well known as a Japan-basher, who was seriously concern...
April 26, 2016
The fashion industry is calling for more freedom in Islam. In March, UNIQLO, a Japanese casual clothing company, introduced a new line aimed at Islamic girls in England. It was the company̵...