Messages from Ryuho Okawa’s Guardian Spirit:
The Current Japanese Constitution Does Not Clearly State Grounds for the Sovereignty of the People (Part 1)

Master Ryuho Okawa of the Happy Science Group has provided us with spiritual messages and guidance from those we know as Guardian Spirits in his spiritual message series presented to followers of his lectures, articles and books published worldwide. Because the concept of a Spiritual Guardian seems to be area open to skepticism by media, Master Okawa has taken the time to introduce us to his own Guardian Spirit to advance understanding. This article is intended to help further the comprehension of the role of these Guardian Spirits and remove some of the skepticism.

Those who are skeptical about these concepts often question, “How much of Happy Science and Master Okawa’s Happiness Realization Party’s activities are influenced by what is going on in his brain and whether this corresponds with his guardian spirit.
By using the analogy of a Buddha Statue with multiple faces, the Master suggests that people once knew these were an expression of spiritual reality.

In the spiritual messages below, Master Okawa’s Guardian Spirit offers enlightenment ranging from the Japanese Constitution (including the issue of the peace clause), the significance of founding the Happiness Realization Party, religious and political revolution. In the final transmission, the truth about the life plan behind Master Ryuho Okawa is revealed along with why we place importance on self-reliance while also valuing faith in an outside power.

Below is a portion of the Spiritual Messages from Master Okawa’s Guardian Spirit.


“My guardian spirit is one of the many faces on a Buddha statue.”

Ryuho Okawa: In Buddhism, there are many statues of Kannon Bosatsu (the Goddess of Mercy) such as the one thousand-armed Kannon and eleven-faced Kannon. In the distant past, people knew that these multiple arms and faces were the expression of a spiritual reality.

The reason there are so many faces on the statue is that Kannon exists to save the people of this world, and this would be difficult without all these faces looking in all directions.

What the media probably wants to know about me is how much of the activities of Happy Science and the Happiness Realization Party is influenced by what is going on in my brain. They want to know whether my thoughts correspond with what my guardian spirit thinks or not, or how far they might diverge from thoughts of my guardian spirit. They might be interested to see whether maybe, so many different aspects of my spirit come to the fore that it becomes difficult to identify them.


Summoning Ryuho Okawa’s Guardian Spirit

Ryuho Okawa: Happy Science has published the messages from the guardian spirits of many living people, and I am the person responsible for these publications. So it is only natural that people are interested to see my own thoughts and intentions in their purest form.


The Current Political System Has Its Limits

–: Good Morning!

Ryuho Okawa’s Guardian Spirit (hereafter “GS”): Hm.

–: Are you the guardian spirit of Ryuho Okawa?

GS: Hm.

–: Thank you for granting us this historical opportunity to interview you.

GS: Hm.

–: I would like to ask you some questions now, so let me start interviewing you if you wouldn’t mind.


The Current Japanese Constitution Does Not Clearly State Grounds for the Sovereignty of the People

–: Here on earth – and especially in Japan – elections and the democratic system are always celebrated as supreme values. The media never fail to emphasize the greatness of our political system. What is your opinion on that?

GS: I would like to point out two problems.

–: Yes.

GS: Firstly,

The current Japanese constitution stipulates that sovereignty resides with the people. I have no objection to this, but want to point out that it was based on the United States Declaration of Independence, which states “all men are created equal”. The phrase “men are created” clearly implies that there must be a creator.

This used to be a commonly known fact. In Christian countries. they took the existence of their “Great God”, or “Creator” as a natural prerequisite for the fact that all men were created equal. It was exactly because all men were created equal by the Creator that they based all discussions on this solid foundation and that they must follow decisions made based on these discussions. This means that the national consensus is considered to represent the will of God here on earth.

While the Japanese Constitution was formulated based on this premise, it does not clarify grounds for sovereignty to its people.

If you obtain a right simply by living somewhere, then this is just the right of residence and this does not go beyond that. If living in a certain country provides grounds for the popular sovereignty, it is nothing more than the right given to those who live there. We cannot find universal value there.

In this sense, the current constitution has some flaws.

This means that this constitution has defects because it does not provide religious and philosophical grounds for sovereignty residing within the people.


The Media Are Playing God

GS: There is another point about the constitution I consider problematic.
The current constitution grants citizens freedom of religion, but there are constraints on exercising this right.

As for freedom of the press, on the other hand, although the media has incorporated these freedoms into their own proposed constitution, the current constitution does not stipulate it. Moreover, it does not address the media’s responsibility when they fail to publish relevant news. Freedom of the press is a derivative of freedom of expression and freedom of publication in the current constitution.

However, freedom of expression, and freedom of publication are rights that apply to all Japanese citizens, and that obviously also applies to religious groups and other people. I do not see any reason the media should be given more authority than others in this regard.

However, the media can actually exert complete control over the elections, and apparently this allows them to play God.

Even our standards of good and evil are determined by the media.

But if the media determines what is right and wrong, they have to indicate the philosophical, ethical or religious criteria upon which their judgment is based.

If, without these criteria of judgment, they only publish content because it sells better or because it will earn them a better reputation, they are no better than a politician whom we would call a “populist”. I do not think the media should be in a position to criticize politicians who try to please the public.

This is the second problem I see with the current constitution. If I haven’t explained the issue well enough, please feel free to ask more questions about it.


Democracy Under the Current Constitution Is Godless

–: To sum up what you’ve told us so far, while democracy is a system that can only work when we respect God’s will, Japan’s current democracy is not anything like that. Also, the media are trying to take the place of God, and today’s democracy works according to their will. As a guardian spirit, do you see this situation as unholy?

GS: I don’t know whether I would go that far, but clearly it has flaws.

If Japan’s modern democracy is truly based on the current constitution, this would mean that it denies the existence of God, Buddha, and the spirit world. Together with the acceleration of scientific progress, this threatens to result in godlessness.


The Constitution Should Clarify the Fundamental Idea Upon Which the State and the Human Agency Are Based

–: The Happiness Realization Party was established in 2009. Right after it was founded, Ryuho Okawa published a new proposal for the Japanese constitution (See: “A New Japanese Constitution – Proposal”, IRH Press). In his draft proposal, the preamble declares the people’s faith, and Article 2 clearly incorporates freedom of religion.

This draft proposal was written in one day. Usually, writing a draft proposal for a constitution takes at least six months or a year, but this one was written in one day. We were surprised, and so was everybody else.

Therefore, it was speculated that maybe you as Ryuho Okawa’s guardian spirit gave him some guidance and instructions when he wrote this proposal. Did you help him?

If so, can you tell us how much of it came from you?

GS: Personally, I’m not interested in worldly details like that. I simply have a certain set of principles, and obviously they were expressed in the proposal.

I think the current constitution is a collection of ideas from the last 200 years, so it is very young, and the text, or the philosophy described in it cannot be called universal or sublime.

It is not based on a philosophy but on an objective. It was written with the objective of determining the form of the Japanese state.

This constitution is trying to turn Japan into a godless state. It is trying to deprive the Japanese of the dignity of the soul.

It was clearly written with this objective in mind.

However, Japanese people have always believed that Japan is a country where God or Buddha resides, and that they are children of God or Buddha. This is the traditional Japanese way of thinking.

I think the current constitution was written by constitutional and legal scholars based solely on modern legal theory, but in my eyes, a constitution serves no purpose if it does not provide the fundamental idea upon which the state and the human agency are based.


Japan Was Occupied for 70 Years

–: You have criticized the Japanese Constitution severely. It is said that after WWII, the staff at GHQ was largely responsible for the content of our constitution. Were there any suggestions or inspirations from the spirit world or divine sources?

GS: The Japanese spirit world was definitely not involved.

But there may have been influences from the spirit world of other countries, such as the U.S. which was the dominant political player back then, so spirits that had American interests at heart may have been involved, or maybe spirits with Chinese or Korean interests at heart, but from the viewpoint of God and Buddha it is clear that the objective of writing this constitution was revenge.

–: As a guardian spirit, can you say that when this constitution was imposed on Japan, you felt that it would have to be changed one day?

GS: Of course I did. Yes.

In a way, the Japanese nation was ruined when it was forced to surrender unconditionally and the emperor was forced to declare that he was only human. We needed to establish a new nation.

After that, Japan was basically occupied for 70 years, so it is only natural Japan now needs to develop its own ideas on running the state.

I think detailed provisions can be added to the draft, but at this time we first must present a general outline of the constitution in a proper format.


The Spiritual Background of the Proposal for a New Constitution

–: I heard that when Master Ryuho Okawa made this draft of the constitution, he received some spiritual instructions from Prince Shotoku. Is it reasonable to assume that Prince Shotoku played a central part in drawing up the proposal?

GS: I think he was the main spirit giving direct instructions for the style of the draft proposal, but I think it also contains some thoughts and ideas from other spiritual entities.

–: Sorry to push this point, but can you give us more details? What other spiritual entities do you mean?

GS: The central guiding spirits of Happy Science.

–: Happy Science receives guidance and support from many spiritual entities…

GS: I heard there are about 500 spirits giving guidance to Happy Science, but I think only about 10 or 20 were involved in the proposal. They took leadership in drawing up the draft constitution..


Debating the Contradictory Nature of the Peace Clause

–: I would like to stick with the issue of the current constitution for a moment.

Many women are easily frightened, and feel safer because of the peace clause in the constitution. If the peace clause were cut, many may think that a war might break out at any time.

But in my eyes, peace must be accompanied by justice. True peace does not mean having to make concessions to unfair demands or caving in to evil forces.

We would appreciate it if you could point out any problems with the “peace clause” in terms of true justice according to the will of God.


Can the U.S. Impose a Pacifist Constitution on Japan?

GS: Let’s look at this from a different angle.

In the U.S., the constitution grants every American citizen the right to have a gun and protect himself and his family with this gun. As a result, a lot of people are killed with guns in the United States. Since this right has been maintained by the American Constitution for over 200 years, it cannot be changed so easily, and the issue has become a contentious point.

If the Japanese Constitution was written by Americans, and Americans truly believe in the pacifism expressed in it, then how can they justify the Seventh Fleet? If they love peace so much, then why don’t they do without guns like we do instead of granting every single household the right to have fire arms?

Of course it may be possible to pursue peace as the Japanese Constitution suggests, but if another nation implores you to do this, then they should put this into practice as well. It is highly suspect however for any nation that does not also put these principles into practice to avow: “This is how you achieve peace!”

This peace is not peace for Japan, but rather peace for those who impose the peace clause on Japan.

To thieves and robbers, for example, I suppose peace is a situation in which people are not allowed to have guns at home. Am I wrong?

–: You’re absolutely right.


・Does a Nuclear Nation Have the Right to Insist on the Peace Clause?

GS: For banks, peace is a situation in which citizens do not bear arms.

But if peace is dictated upon such selfish principles, it is obvious that the objective behind it is not the common good.

Also, look at the United Nations that was founded after the War. All permanent members of the Security Council possess nuclear weapons. There should be a serious debate about whether this runs counter to pacifism. If it does not go against pacifism, then it cannot be said that their non-proliferation efforts would promote peace.

If they themselves strived towards non-proliferation and told all members of the Security Council to rid themselves of their nuclear arsenal, then they can insist that other countries not have nuclear weapons or increase their stockpiles of nuclear arms.

However, they say: “We have the right to keep our nuclear weapons, while other countries are still too immature and are therefore not allowed to have nuclear weapons.” They are telling others not to build nuclear weapons simply to maintain their dominant position. This “peace” is a peace that serves only the interests of the former allies. It does not go beyond that.

Whether we look at this from a philosophical, a religious, or an ethic point of view – this is simply outrageous.


Japan’s Renunciation of War – The Root of a Masochistic View of Japanese History

GS: I think both paths are possible, but if Article 9 is imposed on Japan to ensure peace, it should also be imposed on its neighbor, China.

China has many types of nuclear and other aggressive weapons and keeps developing more. It would be more conducive to maintaining peace in China if they did not possess such weapons. If they have all these weapons, it becomes much more likely that other countries will attack China. Therefore, not having them would be more conducive to peace.

The same is true for North Korea. Obviously, if such a small country starts building nuclear missiles, it increases the possibility of larger countries imposing sanctions on it, so for North Korea, it would be more conducive to peace if they did not have nuclear missiles. It makes sense to insist that to promote peace, North Korea should do away with its nuclear weapons.

Still, while tolerating these behaviors, it is claimed that Japan’s renunciation of war is the best way to secure world peace. This idea in itself is a masochistic view of Japanese history.

Messages from Ryuho Okawa’s Guardian Spirit:
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